In the last month I've traveled, partied, and just generally had the craic. However I will be recounting these exploits in bullet-point format for 2 reasons.
1. Bullet-points get more views
2. I'm so lazy that even typing a small block of text eludes me.
So this is what I've learned:
- Zurich, though beautiful, will require you to take out a small loan to stay there for more than 5 hours.
- If you go out the night before a trip only 1/3 of participants will get up on time and will ultimately have to make a mad dash for the bus.
- Contrary to my previous opinion, Starbucks is awesome. (Starbucks English breakfast tea to be more specific.)
- I may never get the Alpaca I so desperately want.
- The German punctuality stereotype doesn't apply when it comes to rail travel.
- Rice isn't all that bad.
- A 2 liter bottle of wine deserves to be hugged.
- If you're at an international meeting of minds in a Greek bar be prepared to drop €100.
- Wine and hats go hand in hand.
- The Nürnberg Christkindlesmarkt is pretty amazing and, most importantly, full of delicious food.
- The view from Nürnberg Castle is well worth the climb.
- If it comes to a showdown between an DSLR camera and cobblestones the cobblestones will win. Every time.
- The combination of standing for an hour on a train and drunk people will make Rhys a little homicidal.
- German in a Welsh accent can and will reduce me to tears.
- Drunk people are insanely entertaining at long as you don't engage them directly.
- After travelling for 8 hours there is no place nicer to be than your own bed.
Only a week after travelling to Nürnberg I traveled home. I guess I'm just a sucker for punishment as it was the single most stress-filled tear inducing trip I have ever taken. However as I sit in my bedroom on Christmas Eve typing this very blog post I know for a fact I would do it all over again to get home.
I wish each and every one of you a safe and Merry Christmas and I'll see you in the New Year for a whole host of new shenanigans.